ThoughtWorks, pune recently played host to the vodQA-2 event, a technical conference which brings testers from various organizations under one roof. The turnout for the event was way better than vodQA-1. The topics too were great and so was the quality of speakers. This time the event had lengthy talks, lightening talks and also a talk on TWIST, a ThoughtWorks product which is a testing tool.
This was what was covered during vodQA-2
Full Length talks | Topics | Organization |
Deepak Gole & Saager Mhatre | Automated acceptance testing for iPhone | Sapna Solutions |
Parul Mody & Vijay Khatke | Cloud Testing | BMC Software |
Ashwini Malthankar | Effective use of Continuous integration by QA | ThoughtWorks |
Vijay and Supriya | Test your service not your UI | ThoughtWorks |
Lightning Talks | Topics | Organization |
Satish Agrawal | Leadership and Innovation in a commoditized industry | Persistent Systems |
Anay Nayak | Fluent Interfaces and Matches | ThoughtWorks |
Name | Topic | Organization |
Fish bowl topic | Transition from Manual to Automation Testing?? | All speakers and attendees |
Parallel Track: Ananthapadmanabhan R | Twist : Evolving test suites over test cases | ThoughtWorks |
There was a well conducted fishbowl session too which was discussed in detail with inputs from a lot of participants.
I was overwhelmed looking at the number of people who attended the event. There were easily about 100 people who were keenly taking down notes during the presentation and also flocking the presenters after their talk got over.
I was overwhelmed looking at the number of people who attended the event. There were easily about 100 people who were keenly taking down notes during the presentation and also flocking the presenters after their talk got over.
Overall i was very impressed with the way the event was organised. Kudos to the organising committee of vodQA.
Looking forward to vodQA3 now :)
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